Spiritual Renewal and Wellbeing 2025

The Diocese of St Albans: Year of Spiritual Renewal and Wellbeing 2025



A Prayer for Spiritual Renewal 2025

Look graciously upon us, O Holy Spirit,

and give us, for our hallowing,

thoughts that pass into prayer,

prayers that pass into love,

and love that passes into life with you forever,



From the Bishop of St. Albans: This special year is inspired by the Emmaus story in Luke’s Gospel, where the risen Christ walks alongside two disciples in their confusion and doubt, listens to their concerns, and renews them in hope and love. The themes to guide us through this Year are lifting our eyes to God; enhancing spiritual and personal wellbeing; enabling spiritual growth to foster numerical growth. As we prepare for the year ahead, let us open the scriptures, break bread together, and seek the transformation that comes from journeying with the risen Christ. Together, may we lift our hearts and minds to God and embrace the hope and love of his presence.

With my prayers and blessings, +Alan, Bishop of St Albans


From the Vicar: This Year of Spiritual Renewal and Wellbeing officially begins in our Parish on the Baptism of Christ, Sunday 12 January, when we will focus thoughts and prayers during our Parish Communion. Thanks to the incredible generosity of the Jane Cart Trust and other grant-making bodies, there is an inspiring programme of activities throughout the year ahead which are being generously subsidised, with no funding drawn from parish share. Just a taster of what is on offer there is a wide variety of retreats and Quiet Days including a Poetry Pilgrimage Day, an Online Week of Guided Prayer, Walking the John Bunyan Pilgrimage Trail, interesting courses and exciting events. If you would like to talk through what is on offer or need any help to access the information please do ask Revd. Liz or Rosemary Bentley to guide you further.  Full details and how to book can be found here: https://year.stalbansdiocese.org




Quiet Days







Away Days






Diocesan Prayer

God of life and love,

pour out your blessing on our diocese as we journey to your kingdom on the Emmaus Road:

where there is uncertainty, build us up in faith;

where there is fear, establish us in love;

where there is discord, bring reconciliation and healing:

that together we may be renewed in hope by your Spirit

and be ambassadors of your risen Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.



At St. Albans Cathedral: Museum of the Moon Friday 3 January to Saturday 15 February 2025

As we start this Year of Spiritual Renewal and Wellbeing 2025, the Museum of the Moon artwork by artist Luke Jerram comes to St Albans Cathedral for the very first time. Come and marvel at its beauty or join one of the many events and activities that will be taking place in the moonlight, including an Interstellar 10 concert, yoga sessions, talks, jazz concerts, and so much more! Details & tickets: www.stalbanscathedral.org/moon


The Feast of the Baptism of Christ Sermon

The Feast of the Baptism of Christ – 12th January, 2025 Launch of the Diocesan Year of Spiritual Renewal and Wellbeing 2025

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