St Andrew’s:
St Andrew’s is a diverse and busy church with an Electoral Roll of about 155. We worship in a variety of different styles, but mainly use the more modern of the "Common Worship" service formats. We have a thriving Sunday School which meet on Sunday mornings at 10.00 am at the same time as the main Holy Communion Service. In addition, there are a variety of youth groups that meet during the week, as well as uniformed organisations (Guides, Brownies, etc.).
We have a strong musical tradition ranging from a robed choir with organ, to an all-age band. There is a bell-ringing band who ring for the main services on Sundays.
We have a prayer group and house groups which meet for fellowship and discussion. On Saturdays, we run a Coffee Shop so that people can drop in for a chat after their weekly visit to the market. On the second Thursday of each month, we hold a 'Food for Thought' lunch, where a lunch is followed by a short informal talk by an invited speaker. On the first Sunday of each month we host a lunch for all members of the community of Biggleswade. The lunch consists of a 3 course meal plus tea or coffee at a cost of £6 per adult and £3 for children.
In September, we hold a Country Fayre where we run stalls of various kinds, entertainment, food and an exhibition. All proceeds are given to charity.
Every year, we run a Holiday Club for the local children, which attracts about 170 children in August and about 100 before Easter.
On Palm Sunday, we begin our service in the Market Square with the distribution of palm crosses and process to the church. During Holy Week, three wooden crosses are set up in front of the church and on Good Friday, we join a procession of witness, followed by an ecumenical service on the Market Square.
At Christmas, we have a Nativity Tableau in the Market Square during the Saturday morning market, where we recreate the Nativity scene with actors and animals to bring the Christmas story alive.