St Andrew's Update Trinity 20

Last Sunday was our monthly date for Family Eucharist at 10am onwards and it was heart-warming to see a goodly number of young people - some very tiny indeed - follow the candle to the Chapter House for Sunday School.  It was also good to see them return later to the Service, clutching cut-outs of camels and showing them with pride to their parents in the pews.  Such things are priceless.  Rosemary's homily expanded upon that so well known passage from Mark 10, 17 - 31, with its subtitle: The rich man.  Being rich can have many variables in its definition.  We can all give.  Being wealthy and having plentiful possessions isn't a sin but its pitfalls are obvious.  How we use our individual wealth is the nub.  If we are generous with our faith and use our resources wisely and ultimately for the glory of God, that is what we should strive for.

Later, after 'tea, coffee and fellowship' in the Chapter House, the usual monthly hot traditional Sunday Lunch followed for those who had previously booked and thanks must go to those who make it all happen beforehand as well as those who come and enjoy the three courses on offer.  This occasion is one of our outreach events of which we are rightly proud and all are welcome.

The after-meal tidy up doesn't mark the end of the day for St Andrew's; far from it. At 6pm, our lay-led, more informal service of worship, simply called, Sunday @ Six, takes place and on that occasion the theme was Gifts from God.  Later still into the evening, one of our Youth Groups has it scheduled programme.

Our Parish News booklet is available again and it is in some ways a useful Directory, with its 'Who Does What' within the church, along with contact numbers.  The Vicar's Letter within it, with its message of caring for God's Creation, marking this Season of Creation 2024 as it draws to a close but of course we continue to be good stewards, particularly during this time of the russet toned and glowing colours surrounding us, if only we took more time to look and wonder during our frenetic lives.  Finally, this useful little handbook has a Diary of Events from October to December.

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For ose who wish to know more about Social Media in a Faith context, Facebook and Instagram, please contact Oliver and Jessica.

This coming Sunday, 20th October, there is 10am Parish Eucharist in what will be marked as Generous Giving Sunday.

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