St Andrew's Update Patronal Fesitval

Last Sunday was a busy day for St Andrew's, the time in each month when there are three services and a Sunday Roast in the Chapter House.


During the 8am Said Communion, Reverent Liz remarked of course that it was the start of Advent.  However, Sunday, 1st December, also marked our Patronal Festival of St Andrew and we would be putting an emphasis on this in particular.  Reader Rosemary's homily duly followed this special day for our church and hence, we were given a short appraisal of the evangelism of Andrew, his place amongst the earliest disciples, and how he met his martyrdom for the Faith.  In short, a fisherman from what might be called an ordinary background came to carry out extraordinary things and we are grateful to Andrew for his evangelism.  How might we as the world approaches Christmas in particular, perhaps carry out our own individual acts of bringing someone known to us to Church?


On this Saturday, 7th December, between 10am and 12 noon, there is Coffee Shop in the Chapter House alongside Warm Spaces and there will be a Rotary Shoebox stall.  Find out more about this on the day.  On Sunday, 8th December, there is Parish Eucharist.  At 6pm, at our more informal and lay-led service of worship, namely, Sunday @ 6, the theme will be 'Advent - Being Ready for Christmas.'

This is the time of 'waiting expectantly', during which in churches worldwide, the four Advent Candles are lit, one for each Sunday, and the symbolism is indeed special and during which there are on occasions, beautiful Advent carols and hymns.  All are welcome to share in the messages of Advent.  


At this time of the year, not surprisingly, there is much activity at St Andrew's.  Here is a sort of quick calendar of events  - and forgive the author of this piece, there is sure to be something missed out: Saturday, 14th December, 10 - 12, wreath making in the Chapter House

Monday, 16th December, 6pm, Carols on the Lawn

Thursday, 19th December, 6pm, Carol Singing at Kings Reach and Orchard Close

Saturday, 21st December, 10:30am, Nativity Tableau on the Market Square

Sunday, 22nd December, 6pm, Traditional Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

Tuesday, 24th December, Christmas Eve, 6pm Crib Service and Nativity & 11:30pm, Midnight Mass

Wednesday, 25th December, Christmas Day, 10am Parish Eucharist

Sunday, 5th January, The Epiphany, 8am, Said Communion, 10am, Family Eucharist, 12:45pm,  Sunday Lunch.


Finally, remember that the Church is usually open from Mondays to Saturdays between 9am and 4pm for private prayer and you can always read the foyer notices to fill in the gaps and extract more information.

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