Here is our first report of the new year. Last Sunday, 5th January, saw the church family celebrating Epiphany which in a way is about following a guiding light, a moment of realisation, clarity and understanding. In the 10am Family Eucharist, we looked again at the crib on show in the top end of the nave and Reverend Liz brought us all back, so to speak, to that distant time when informed visitors had sought out the humble location of the Baby Christ Child with his mother and father, bearing symbolic gifts. Reader Rosemary went further into the biblical accounts. We do not really know the identity of these distinguished travellers, the so called Wise Men, sometimes referred to as Wise Men. We do not really know from where they came. Yet, all the signs show that they were certain that the infant was indeed a person of great significance. Their gifts reflected this conviction because they were few but well chosen, being truly symbolic rather than practical. The backdrop to the drama of it all was made all the more memorable in the church because we saw the beautiful crib model fronting an enormous Christmas tree in the sanctuary beyond, simply decked in tiny lights and nothing else.
We must thank our younger members who narrated and offered prayers, namely, Rachel, Pippa, Lottie, Oscar and David.
Ahead lie many fulfilling moments. Here are just a few. On Sunday, 12th January, at 6pm, an informal service, simply called Sunday at 6. On Saturday, 25th January, at 6;30pm, Burns Night Ceilidh. On Sunday, 2nd February, at 3pm, Christingle.