A Pre-Christmas Update from the Vicar and Churchwardens

A Pre-Christmas Update from the Vicar and Churchwardens.

At the beginning of next week, we need to consider extra precautionary cleaning and sanitation, particularly of pews, door handles, handrails, multi-use surfaces, clearing of bins and litter, etc, in our Church, at a time when we will be using the building on numerous occasions, without 48 hours between acts of worship. 

Thank you to those who have already offered to assist, but further help with cleaning and sanitation [materials will be provided but please supply you own gloves, if required] after the following services would be greatly appreciated: Sunday 19 December, 10.00 am, Thursday 23 9.30am, Christmas Eve 6.00 pm and 11.30pm, and Christmas Day 25 10.00 am. Please notify Rosemary, if you are able to offer help after any of the above services.

Due to high covid cases in our local schools we ask you to take extra special care of each other, and yourselves, when attending our Christmas Services in person this year. We can be assured that additional cleaning, NHS Track and Trace, hand sanitizer and washing is available, and once again the mandatory wearing of face-coverings are all in place at Church, in line with current Covid-safe Guidance. Please speak to a sidesperson, or churchwarden, if you wish to socially distance in church.

Our Christmas Eve Crib Service and Nativity will be in-person and is usually very well attended by our children, young people, and families. Please consider taking a lateral flow test prior to coming and only attend if it is negative, as we take care of one another, and ourselves, in these challenging times.

Our Midnight Mass 11.30 pm & Christmas Day 10.00 am, St. Stephen's Day 10.00 am Services will be in person, as well as accessible on Zoom: details included in notices, and on social media. Should you find yourself unwell or in isolation, or simply unable to join in person, we hope you'll still worship with us via Zoom. 

We wish you a Blessed, Joyous, and Safe Christmas

The Vicar and Churchwardens


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