St Andrew's Update Michaelmass

Last Sunday marked the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels and during our 10am Parish Eucharist, the content of the readings included mention of angels as acting as God's messengers, amongst which, Archangel Michael is sometimes described as being the captain of this heavenly host. Reader Rosemary's homily expanded somewhat on this theme, describing these purposeful soldiers as acting as a conduit between heaven and earth.  Satan the serpent, along with his allies, had been evicted from heaven and hence, is now focussing his attention on earth.  Jacob had experienced his dream which included the ladder upon which angels were ascending and descending, singing the praises of our Creator.  This cosmic struggle betwixt Good and Evil is ongoing and within each and every one of us there is a choice to be made.

Autumn Parish News has been available in church from 29th September and this can also be viewed on our website.  Meanwhile, the current total raised from the Country Fayre is over £5,300, the recipients of which will be Water Aid and the Noah Enterprise.  The forthcoming Harvest Festival will be yet again supportive of the Bishop of St Alban's Harvest Appeal which will direct its help towards the Leprosy Mission and its work in Sri Lanka. Changing subject, for anyone interested to learn more about our very long established annual Shoebox Appeal, please contact Mary.

On Sunday, 6th October, there will be Said Communion at 8am and at 10am, Harvest Thanksgiving will be celebrated in our Family Eucharist.

As often mentioned in these notes, remember that at present, the church will be open for private reflection and prayer during the week, between 9am and 4pm, except on Sundays when the services mainly take place.

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