St Andrew's Update Harvest

Last Sunday celebrated Harvest Thanksgiving and areas around the church were decked out in those quiet colours so familiar for this time of the year.

During the 10am Family Eucharist, more was explained about the Bishop's Harvest Appeal which St Andrew's is supporting for the second time, in this case, those vulnerable communities working in conditions of poverty and hardship in Sri Lanka. 


Earlier, Said Communion, Traditional Order Two, was commenced at 8am, in the Memorial Chapel or South Aisle, where Reverend Liz's homily focused on the meaning of 'grace', a word brimming with positive definitions but which in our faith, refers to God's love for humanity given freely then this may well be unmerited in human perspectives but we can never 'earn' our Maker's love; it is given without price. Such adjectives such as, 'disgraceful' and 'graceful' have come into the language.


This Saturday, 12th October, Coffee Shop will be open between 10am and 12pm.  On Sunday, 13th October, marking the Twentieth after Trinity, there will be Parish Eucharist at 10am.  Sunday Lunch in the Chapter House will follow at 12:45pm for those who have booked.  Then, at 6pm, our well established less formal Sunday @ Six will take place and is lay-led.  At set times, various of our Youth Groups meet during the week. Contact Chris, the churchwarden, for further details.


Looking ahead at just some selected events; on Thursday, 17th October, there will be MU Soup & Roll Lunch in the Chapter House between 12 and 2pm;  on the 19th October, alongside Coffee Shop between 10 and 12noon, there will be Craft and Chat - so bring along your hobby project and compare notes, so to speak.  Way ahead, on Sunday, 3rd November, following two morning Services of Worship and a booked Sunday Lunch in the Chapter House, at 6pm, we will be celebrating All Souls Sung Evensong.


Finally, for anyone who wishes to know more about St Andrew's Parish Church, go to our website, even if you never attend and remember that during each frenetic week, our church is open for private prayer and contemplation on Mondays to Saturdays, between 9am to 4pm.  You are welcome.

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